Friday, April 20, 2012

Making Time for Observation To Enhance Your Writing

One of the reasons I like to start writing early in the morning is because my head isn't filled up with other thoughts about my job, my kids, my life in general or whatever else I'm stressing about.

But this morning I began with a walk (my dog was pleading with me). It's interesting how much sharper my powers of observation are during a morning walk, compared to when I walk in the late afternoon after work. I didn't bring my iPod this morning, I just walked and noticed. I saw the birds (including a flicker, which I haven't seen around here since last spring), interesting clouds, the sounds of traffic, other people setting off on their way to work, and even the dents in a passing car.

This short walk reminded me of how important it is to observe. Becoming more aware of the details around you in a space can only enhance your writing.

Have you made any time for observations this week?


  1. One day this week the 7-month old I babysit was a bit cranky so I took him outside to sit on the front porch. It was the first time in a long time that I just sat quietly and observed the world. We had fun watching two robins flying around and chattering in the tree in our front yard and noticing how much the bushes and Japanese Maple I put in last year have grown this spring.

  2. I remember thinking how sad it was when people started walking always plugged into music.

    And it's so true about early morning! I used to go out at 6am in the summers to water and deadhead my flowers, and I should start that again.

    1. That sounds lovely, Marcia. It is sad that so many people are often plugged into something and missing out on what's in the natural world. It's hard to get my own kids to take off their devices.

  3. Great reminder, Andrea. It's often hard to live in the present, but it's essential if we want to bring our worlds to life.

    1. Yeah, sometimes working on writing all the time can make you ignore all the other great stuff out there in the world.

  4. Excellent reminders! I think our lives are so busy these days with stuff that sometimes I don't stop and listen to things around me and observe things as intently.

  5. I'm lucky because I live in a beautiful, quiet place that begs for observation. If you are a watcher, listener, learner - it infuses your writing with tiny and beautiful details.


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